
I Offer You Peace I Offer You Friendship I Offer You Company I Value Your Feelings I Value Your Thoughts Anything That Stays In Here Are Sprinkled By Mystic Powders That Have Its Own Mysteries***

Monday, April 03, 2006

When Lightning strikes..[9]

It was almost mid-day when Annie opened her eyes. The truck was still moving fast. Strong rays of sunlight were coming inside through the small holes in the plastic covering of the truck. Ajay was still asleep. He seemed to be in a dream and gave soft murmerings in between which Annie couldnt understand even after closely observing him for some time and she gave up that task and left him with his dream.

She felt weak and shabby after all those running races and adventures they took the previous day. The whole thing seemed incredible enough to be a dream. But she was happy for whatever happened and thanked God for saving her from the fat lady. She was startled from her thoughts by Ajay's sudden shreak and he was gasping with a horror expression which faded immediately when he saw her by his side. His wound seemed to be aching and he quickly placed his hand on it. "What.. what happened? Were you seeing a scary dream?", Annie asked him. " it was just...but ..but how did YOU know that ..that.." Ajay had a perplexed expression on his face. Annie smiled seeing this and said "You were murmering in your sleep and thats how i found out that you were in a dream..but dont worry, i couldnt even pick a single word you were saying.."
"Oh..yeah..i just saw something..but i dont remember it now..So how was the journey Annie? Sorry, i couldnt give you company. I dont remember much since we got into this truck. I just slipped onto my sleep. Sorry for that.."
"Its okay Ajay and never say sorry to me..Its me who should thank you for everything that you have done to me. But i..i dont know how to say that.."
Tears started flooding in her eyes and she couldnt help to suppress them this time. Ajay looked in her eyes and he could sense the emotions of her. He wanted to stop her crying and say something to her; but he kept quiet..As if sensing this, Annie wiped away her tears with both her hands and slipped back to her leaning position against the truck walls.

Some things can never be said through words, they could only be understood through a strange language which has neither words nor any required only that undefined & unknown connection between the minds which were understood by none other than those individuals. Ajay had heard about things like reading minds, but never had any personal experience..But now he realized that there was something strange between him and this girl, with whom he had never opened his heart or talked much about him, but they seemed to sense each others thoughts unknowingly and never confronting those to each others..

Ajay's thoughts were paused when the truck stopped quite abruptly that made both of them fall down onto the base. The plastic covers were soon removed and the cleaner boy helped them to descend from the truck. Annie was astounded by the outside vision. Instead of the paddy fields and muddy roads from where she had entered into the truck the previous day, they were now standing on a parallel road from where huge buildings and heavy traffic were seen at a small distance. She realized that she was in a full-fledged city which she had only seen in televisions. Ajay paid the driver some notes and thanked him. The driver and the cleaner boy throw a quick glance at Annie and moved to the nearby tea-shop.

Ajay saw the wonder in Annie's eyes and he said "aaah.. Welcome..welcome to the GARDEN CITY OF INDIA!!".. seeing her opening mouth and bulging eyes as he said those words..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good good.Keep going. All the best.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006 2:58:00 PM  
Blogger Parvathy Ajit said...

thanks ammukuttyyy :)

Saturday, April 29, 2006 11:33:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

best regards, nice info middletown kia

Tuesday, March 06, 2007 9:03:00 PM  
Blogger shabbu said...

hello a btech student from the college library......all the best

Tuesday, January 06, 2009 3:23:00 PM  

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