
I Offer You Peace I Offer You Friendship I Offer You Company I Value Your Feelings I Value Your Thoughts Anything That Stays In Here Are Sprinkled By Mystic Powders That Have Its Own Mysteries***

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

When Lightning Strikes..[8]

Annie woke with a start as a loud racket invaded her dreams. She listened intently and realized the noise was from outside. Someone was knocking the front door strongly. She wondered who could that be in that heavy rains. She remembered she was supposed to be careful and alert. After confirming she had heard the knocking sound once again, she rose from the floor and padded out of her room. The door was locked from outside. She desperately tried to pull the knobs, but it didnt help. She was trapped! A thrill of fear raced over her nerves. She tried to shout, but she realized she couldnt. Her voice also seemed to be trapped inside her throat. She heard the front door open followed by some murmers. She pushed her ears hard against the door expecting to hear the conversation; but only she could hear was soft murmers. Then all of a sudden a shreak noise of the fat lady filled the house, followed by sounds of cracking chairs, shouts of people, and cries. Annie was pushed down to the floor when the door she was leaning cracked wide open. She found Ajay standing there with blood on his forehead. He grabbed her hand and ran towards the front door. As Ajay was rushing her out, Annie caught a quick glimpse of the lady sitting in the floor beside a wounded man whom she recognized to be the same person she saw that evening. They were out in the rains. It was raining heavily with flashes of lightening at intervals. Ajay was running fast with a determined expression on his face. They could hear noises behind them from the colony.

Annie was totally exhausted when they deviated from the muddy path to a short curve that led to the sidepath of a road. A lorry was parked in the opposite side with its headlights turned on. Ajay took Annie and crossed the road to reach the back side of the lorry. The cleaner boy jumped out and helped them to climb up the truck. It was almost filled with bundles of dried straws that were getting wet by the rain water that leaked inside the plastic covers. The truck started moving immediately. Both of them were soaking wet and shivering due to the chilled winds that crept inside through the covers. Blood was coming out of Ajay's wounds in the forehead. Annie quickly tore a piece of her scarf and tied it to his forehead. She heard a vague thanks from his drooping head. He seemed to be almost unconscious. Annie made him lie on the straw bed and rested his head on a small round bundle that served as a pillow. She was also equally exhausted and she too leaned on the truck side watching the sleeping Ajay as the truck passed several curves and turns..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Piyapiya,your story is really intresting. I didn't know that you have such a good talent in writing stories.Any way keep it up.
What is going to happen to Ajay and Annie? I am impatiently waiting for the next part. ALL THE BEST.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006 5:14:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hmmm...getting interesting Paru dear...:-) and sooo sooory for not commenting earlier!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006 12:06:00 AM  
Blogger Parvathy Ajit said...

thanks all of U!! for ur wonderful support & i'll try my level best to keep up this enthusiasm till the end of the "lightening" :)

Saturday, April 29, 2006 11:30:00 PM  

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