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Monday, February 06, 2006

The 8 Things Tag...

I have been tagged by naru (Narayan-my class mate).. The rules of the game are:
(1) The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of their perfect lover.
(2) Need to mention the sex of the target.
(3) Tag 8 victims to join this game & leave a comment on their comments saying they’ve been tagged.
(4) If tagged the 2nd time, there’s no need to post again.
So here we go...
Before we begin, i'd like to share my view (or rather my philosophy) abt love :
"Love will be most beautiful & enlightening whn the one u love loves u purely for wht u ARE truly & understands u to the extend tht even if u dont say anything, he(or she) will be knowing wht u wanted to say & stand by u in every circumstances.."
Also i m adding a quote abt the contrasts in love :
" Lucky Is The Man Who Is The First Love Of A Woman
Luckier Is The Woman Who Is The Last Love Of A Man "
Disclaimer=> The points that i write below r purely & wholly my visions abt my perfect man &
NOT my expectations abt him becoz i want me to like him (whoever he is) for wht
he is & i dont want to change him for any reasons of my own.. So these points r
based on the fact tht given a chance to marry a person of my choice, i'd like him to
be like this...
(1) Simple & Down to earth with lots of Charishma around him => We should feel that instant
chemistry & attraction for each other that we have never felt before with anyone. We should
have great admiration to each others talents & should be proud of each others success.
(2) Open & Understanding => We should find it easy & normal to love & respect each others
individuality. Never demanding or over-possessive, he should be a sensible person with no
airs or ego.
(3) Even whn we r talking for the first time in life, we should both feel that we have known each
for a verry loong period & we should be enjoying every moments with each other even if we
are both silent for hours..In short, we should be the best of buddies to each other..
(4) He should be intelligent & optimistic & modest at the same time. Success shd never make
him overly proud & nor does any failures make him deeply depressed. His head should be
firmly fixed on his shoulders & his feet on the ground always.
(5) At times of deep despair, depression or disappointment, i should be the first one he is
searching for a shoulder to lean on & cry like a child .. He should be someone who has great
respect, love & attachment to his family, especially to his mother.
(6) We should have our own little & big fights & tantrums once in a while & it shd end with a tear
drop flowing down & ending in the curve of a smile..
(7) He shd be an extremely romantic person who loves nature, animals & kids, with a GREAT
sense of humour to lighten tense situations.
(8) Lastly our love should be Unconditional & towards the end of our lifes, we should be
contended, happy & satisfied to have found each other, fallen in love, married & walked together holding each others hands firmly, with our children besides us, then seeing them choosing their paths & moving on with their lifes, and having a smile on our faces with no tear drops to fall down from our eyes...
The most appropriate song tht we shd be singing for each other & tht reflects our relationship
should be this one:
" Jab Koi Baath Bhigad Jaaye
Jab Koi Mushkil Pad Jaaye
Tum Dena Saath Mera....O Hamnava..
Na Koi Hai , Na Koi Dha
Zindagi Mein Tumhare Siwa..
Tum Dena Saath Meraa..O Hamnavaa.. "


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